
Saint Paul Blackhawks Soccer Club

Little Hawks: 5-8 Yrs

Little Hawks combines soccer training and games in just the right proportions. We introduce children to fundamental soccer skills in a fun-filled setting. Trained coaches provide an enjoyable, fast-paced series of soccer-related games and activities that develop ball skills, motor skills, cognitive abilities, and peer relationships. Blackhawks’ coaches help your child discover the game and its sweet rewards!

Little Hawks, our youngest players, learn fundamental ball handling skills at each session, then break into 3v3 games to practice the skills and get lots of touches in a game environment. Little Hawks programs are offered in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, in addition to two Summer Camps.

Little Hawks Soccer: Friday + Saturday

Fridays – May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, June 6

Birth Year Girls Boys
2018/19 6:00-6:30 pm 5:45-6:15 pm
2017 6:00-6:30 pm 6:30-7:15 pm

Saturday – MAY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, June 7

Birth Year Girls Boys
2019 9-9:45am 9-9:45am
2018 10-10:45am 11-11:45am
2017 10:10-45am 12:00-12:45pm


$200 includes t-shirt

Pay online in your PlayMetrics account


Shin guards, cleats or tennis shoes, water, soccer ball

Friday Night Scrimmages

Friday evening sessions will be scrimmages only! This is a great way to prepare the kids for U9 league play.


Blackhawks Soccer Club/Orchard
875 Orchard Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103

Little Hawks Soccer – Saturday Only


Session I: MAY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, JUNE 7

Session II: JUNE 21, 28, JULY 12, 19, 26, AUG 2

Birth Year Girls Boys
2019/20 9-9:45am 9-9:45am
2018 10-10:45am 11-11:45am
2017 10:10-45am 12:00-12:45pm


$115 includes t-shirt

Pay online in your PlayMetrics account


Shin guards, cleats or tennis shoes, water, soccer ball


Blackhawks Soccer Club/Orchard
875 Orchard Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103

Little Hawks Winter Saturdays – Session lI (Feb-March, 2025)


Feb 1, 8, 15, 22; Mar 1, 8, 15

Born Co-Ed Classes
2019 9-9:45 a.m.
2019 10–10:45 a.m.
2017-18 11–11:45 a.m.
2017-18 12–12:45 p.m.



$125 for seven sessions



Tennis shoes, water, shin guards, soccer ball size 3 or 4


Orchard (Blackhawk Soccer Center) gym @ 875 Orchard Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55103 • map

Little Hawks Winter Saturdays – Session I (Dec, 2024 – Jan, 2025)


 Dec 7, 14, 21; Jan 4, 11, 18, 25

Born Co-Ed Classes
2019 9-9:45 a.m.
2019 10–10:45 a.m.
2017-18 11–11:45 a.m.
2017-18 12–12:45 p.m.



$125 for seven sessions



Tennis shoes, water, shin guards, soccer ball size 3 or 4


Orchard (Blackhawk Soccer Center) gym @ 875 Orchard Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55103 • map

Little Hawks Winter Wednesdays – Sessions I and II


Wednesday Evenings 

Session I   Dec 4, 11, 18; Jan 8, 15, 22, 29
Session II  Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 4, 12, 19
Born Boys and Girls
2017-2019 5:45-6:45 pm


$125 for seven sessions



Appropriate footwear  (cleats or turf shoes), water, shin guards, soccer ball size 3 or 4


Hmong College Prep Academy

1515 Brewster St.

Saint Paul, MN 55108 • map